Wednesday, May 4, 2011

wife powers

I don't even think it's appropriate to make an excuse for not blogging in months.
so I'll just ignore it and cut right to the chase.

Justin and I just had our one year anniversary. We didn't do anything very romantic. We gave little baby girl up for my mom to watch for two nights and pretended like we were young and crazy again and went out on the town.
I was crying by the end of night two because I am not young and crazy at all anymore. I am a light weight and extremely tired by 9:30 pm. I pushed myself to stay out to midnight both nights anyway and I regretted it in the morning.

On Sunday I woke up and vowed not to have a sip of alcohol until the next weekend because even though it was our anniversary and my baby was in good (great) hands, I still felt like a bad mom for forcing the indulgence upon myself.
Well, it's Wednesday evening. I went out to the store after dinner to get some ice cream and came back with a bottle of wine instead.
No, I'm not going to drink the whole bottle. Just one glass! I have no idea how people drink a whole bottle by themselves... on purpose... on a week night...

Called me old fashioned, but I call that "a problem."

Speaking of old fashioned I would love to drop some House wife knowledge on your faces.

How To Make The Working Husband Happy: 2011 style.

1. Try to get up as often as possible to take care of baby through out the night...

..but if you're really just feeling spiteful, cozy, and tired, and need to pretend that you don't hear a baby making noise on the monitor, try not to make him wake up at 5:45 more than once or twice a week...
...and if he does get up with baby, try to not to act like it's that big of a deal because then he Will think it is a big deal and will do it less often.
*Try the "Well it's your choice whether you want to spend time with your own daughter or not" approach.

2. Try to look as productive as possible by the time he gets home from work.

a. wait at least 20 minutes to put your pajamas (back) on after he is home.

b. throwing ALL toys into a large basket will make living spaces look 98% neater quickly.

3. the least you can do is try to have nice clean glowing skin for your husband so try to catch up on those Zzzzz's instead of actually being productive when baby is asleep.

4. tell him how cool he looks with his new tattoos.

5. don't make him feel guilty for eating too much and watching girly shows.

6. Try not to mention all of the things you want until after he is fed.

7. Smile and nod and clap your hands when he fist pumps and dances for you while he's brushing his teeth.

That's all for now.
more to come.